The Comm Guild Maelstrom's Edge

New Remnant STL Releases for the Nimbus Battlesuit

Posted on Friday Dec 01, 2023 at 05:00pm in Models

Like its heavier Militus cousin, the Nimbus battlesuit is a marvel of Artarian engineering. Designed for sniper and scout roles, the Nimbus trades in the Militus' heavier armour in favour of speed and agility. The Nimbus Longshot carries a Torus Sniper Rifle, a specialised modification of the Incursion Rifle, while the Nimbus Pathfinder fills a scouting role, equipped with a short range weaponry and a Pinpoint Scanner that it uses to paint enemy units for the attention of heavier Remnant firepower. Both Nimbus classes can be equipped with an array of additional equipment, including Hologram Projectors and Cloak Generators to confound enemy targeting, Vent Systems to assist with cooling, Thermal Trackers to enhance their already formidable shooting, and a Lorican Boostpack when additional speed is required.

A Nimbus Longshot seeks out their next target.

This month's release includes two packs - A Nimbus Battlesuit pack, and a Nimbus Add-on Parts pack. The Battlesuit pack is a printable digital version of the resin production model, expanded to include an Arc Splitter and variants of the arms with no vent systems, while the Add-on Parts pack includes components designed to fit the plastic Pathfinder kit, to give it access to the same range of weapons and upgrades as the resin kit.

Both digital packs have supported and unsupported versions of the included parts.

A Remnant fire team advances through the twilight.

You can find the rules for using Nimbus Battlesuits in your Artarian Remnant force in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Start building your army of elite army of gladiatorial doom by grabbing your battlesuits from the webstore here!

Sneaky Spotlight: Artarian Remnant Brutus Battlesuit

Posted on Friday Nov 24, 2023 at 05:00pm in General

The heaviest of the combat suits available to Lorican Champions, the Brutus is a walking tank, carrying the largest and heaviest hitting weapons in the Remnant arsenal. Brutus Vanquishers provide fire support with massive Fodina Heavy Lasers or Heavy Flechette Launchers, while the Brutus Breacher gets up close and personal with its Arena Shield and Breach Hammer.

Click for larger image

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks! In the meantime, try out the V2 Beta rules by grabbing the PDFs from the Trial Rules section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here, and grab your models from the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here! Free shipping applies to qualifying orders - check your cart for details.

You can also find a series of articles looking at different aspects of the V2 game here.

If you have any questions on the V2 rules, the model range, or any other aspect of the Maelstrom's Edge game, feel free to pop in to the Comm Guild Facebook group here.

Sneaky Spotlight: Karist Enclave Triarch and Proselytizer

Posted on Friday Nov 17, 2023 at 06:00am in The Karist Enclave

While on the surface equipped similarly to the troops they command, Triarchs have their pick of the armoury, and so tend to equip themselves with the best available gear. As Karist military forces prefer to dominate through intimidation over outright warfare, Triarchs like to present an impressive profile to their enemies. As such, their armour is often embellished with decorative trim and robes to better show their exalted status within the military caste. For all their pomp and display, however, Triarchs are competent as both commanders and fighters, and will fearlessly lead their forces into fire when the situation warrants it.

Click for larger image

The lowest rank of ordained priest amongst the Kaddar, Proselytizers have yet to develop the oratory skills to sway whole crowds, or lead a large military offensive. As missionaries, Proselytizers work quietly amongst a planet’s population, gathering small groups of believers and setting the stage for their more experienced brethren to expand the movement into something greater. When combat is called for, Proselytizers are embedded within military units, where they inspire the troops to greater efforts, or use vocal tricks and the message of their faith to weaken the combat zeal of nearby enemy troops.

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks! In the meantime, try out the V2 Beta rules by grabbing the PDFs from the Trial Rules section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here, and grab your models from the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here! Free shipping applies to qualifying orders - check your cart for details.

You can also find a series of articles looking at different aspects of the V2 game here.

If you have any questions on the V2 rules, the model range, or any other aspect of the Maelstrom's Edge game, feel free to pop in to the Comm Guild Facebook group here.

New Karist STL Release - The Angel Hellblaster!

Posted on Wednesday Nov 01, 2023 at 05:00pm in Models

Hellblasters are juvenile Angels formed into a living weapon. Their oversized jaw and excess cybel sacs located around their head allow them to form a massive cybel charge in their maw which they then eject as a deadly ranged projectile. They maintain a focus on their cybel projectiles using their innate ability for kinetic manipulation, preventing them from exploding until they reach their chosen target. These cybel blasts are ideal for clearing out large groupings of infantry, and the mere sight of Hellblasters on the field can cause experienced enemy units to scatter in a panic.

Karist forces advance behind a unit of Hellblasters.

This digital model pack contains STL files for both supported and unsupported versions of the Hellblaster in two different poses.

Angel Hellblaster Render

You can find the rules for using Angel Hellblasters in your Karist force in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Start building your army of eldritch alien doom by grabbing your Hellblasters from the webstore here!

Sneaky Spotlight: The Epirian Master Bot Handler

Posted on Wednesday Oct 25, 2023 at 09:46pm in The Epirian Foundation

The neural link employed by Bot Handlers grants them unparalleled control over their mechanical charges. This allows them to commune with their bots on a level that is impossible to achieve with the mere flesh and blood humans around them. Over years of prolonged use, Handlers begin to increasingly respect the cold precision and quick logic of the machine, and conversely despise the limitations of their own physical form. This leads many to enhance their bodies with bionic limbs, artificial organs and implants to further boost and refine their abilities. The highest ranked Master Bot Handlers take this even further, replacing their organic body entirely with a super-advanced robotic industrial or combat chassis.

Click for larger image

Exceptionally wealthy Master Handlers are often accompanied by Defender Drones, armed with high intensity lasers and packed with proprietary technology not made available to anyone outside of the Foundation elite. Defenders hover noiselessly around their Handler emitting a cascading protective energy field, a visible reminder of the wealth and power of the Foundation.

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks! In the meantime, try out the V2 Beta rules by grabbing the PDFs from the Trial Rules section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here, and grab your models from the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here! Free shipping applies to qualifying orders - check your cart for details.

You can also find a series of articles looking at different aspects of the V2 game here.

If you have any questions on the V2 rules, the model range, or any other aspect of the Maelstrom's Edge game, feel free to pop in to the Comm Guild Facebook group here.

Sneaky Spotlight: The Skoti Streamweaver

Posted on Monday Oct 16, 2023 at 05:00pm in The Broken

A couple of weeks ago, we shared updated versions of the Beta Faction Lists for Maelstrom's Edge V2. These documents included some new units for each faction, for which models are currently in development. So this seems like a good time to start sharing some sneak peeks at these new units, to give players an idea of what to expect!

We're kicking things off this week with an addition to the Broken line-up: The Skoti Streamweaver!

Click for larger image

A fascinating and little understood species, Skoti are slow moving herbivores who evolved an innate defensive ability to teleport, which they call a “stream” in their tongue. Similar in function to an Angel’s ability to “rift”, Skoti are generally only able to trigger their stream involuntarily in order to escape danger. This ability is made possible through a unique, massive brain structure composed of multiple nodes stretched along their prehensile necks. Broken weaponsmiths devised a way to boost this ability into something more predictable and useful. The complex machinery on the Skoti's back both provides them with additional energy and helps them with their spatial calculations, allowing their streams to span further distances and stay open long enough to allow friendly units to travel through them. In addition, a Skoti is able to utilize their stream like a weapon, creating an opening above an enemy unit and dropping nearby debris onto them, or in some cases even teleporting the enemy against their will!

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks! In the meantime, try out the V2 Beta rules by grabbing the PDFs from the Trial Rules section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here, and grab your models from the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here! Free shipping applies to qualifying orders - check your cart for details.

You can also find a series of articles looking at different aspects of the V2 game here.

If you have any questions on the V2 rules, the model range, or any other aspect of the Maelstrom's Edge game, feel free to pop in to the Comm Guild Facebook group here.

New Broken Release - Sig Jammer STL for 3D printing!

Posted on Friday Oct 06, 2023 at 05:00pm in The Broken

Broken groups tend to be havens for tech-savants and hackers, known collectively as 'Jammers' - rule-breakers ostracised by societies scared of their technological prowess. These maverick inventors thrive amongst the Broken, where their skills are used to break into computer networks, disrupt signals, and set enemy technology against its users. In peacetime, neophyte Sig Jammers serve the needs of a Savant, scrounging parts and carrying out menial tasks. When the Broken go to war, Sig Jammers cause electronic havoc amongst the enemy. Deployed near enemy lines, their disruption equipment degrades weapon systems, disrupts broadcast frequencies, and shuts down targeting and support systems.

A Sig Jammer draws the ire of a Remnant Holista.

This digital model pack contains STL files for both supported and unsupported versions of the Sig Jammer, with two poses and two head variants.

Sig Jammer Render

You can find the rules for using Sig Jammers in your Broken force in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Start building your army of tech-wizardy doom by grabbing your Sig Jammer from the webstore here!

Model Spotlight: Kaddar Alessi Novitiate

Posted on Monday Sep 25, 2023 at 09:34pm in The Karist Enclave

Click for larger image

Model sculpted by Dave Whitaker, painted by Angel Giraldez.

Find it in the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here!

Updated Beta Faction Lists released!

Posted on Wednesday Sep 20, 2023 at 05:00pm in Gaming

Work is continuing behind the scenes on the second edition of the Maelstrom's Edge rulebook, and the end is in sight. We're all super excited to get the book out into the world, and we've had feedback from players equally keen to get their hands on the new rules in their final form. To help tide everyone over in the interim, this week we have released an updated Beta version each of the existing Faction Rules documents.

The updated Beta Faction Rules Documents

These documents are considerably further along in the design process than the original Beta release, and incorporate a number of updates based on player feedback and our own internal playtesting. The biggest changes are:
  • Cosmetic and format updates - This version is much prettier than the bare-bones first Beta release, and we have tweaked the layout of the unit pages slightly for better legibility. Also included is a spread at the end of the document showing the different weapons and equipment options available to each faction.
  • New units - There are a number of new units included, for models we currently have in the production queue. We have included them in this release so players can get a better feel for how the factions will look overall, particularly in the case of the Remnant where the small number of starting units was a little limiting. Feel free to convert or proxy as appropriate if you want to try out these new units in the meantime.
  • Remnant Rebalancing - Artarian Remnant forces proved to be a little underpowered, and struggled against the other factions with their much larger model count. As a result, we have made some changes across the faction, reducing unit costs and boosting the power of their weaponry. To go along with this, while we haven't updated the main rulebook Beta document, in the final V2 rules Large model units will count as 2 units for the purposes of calculated mission objectives. This makes it a little easier for low-model-count Remnant forces to score from objectives, while also making them more valuable targets for an enemy with a Kill objective.

A Remnant Fire Team faces off against an Epirian Foundation force.

Smaller changes to unit rules include:
  • The 'Human' and 'Xenos' designators have been removed, replaced with the 'Organic', 'Inorganic' and new 'Armored' designators.
  • The 'Kill Mission' and 'Support Mission' abilities did the same thing, so have been rolled into a new 'Mission Specialist' ability.
  • 'Mission Specialist' added to the Broken Gnolti and Pa'ku. They had the 'Kill Mission' ability through being Behemoths in V1, but this was missed from the initial Beta release.
  • Karist Minnow's 'Cybel Frenzy' has been updated.
  • The 'Slowed' and 'Frozen' abilities have been updated.
  • Broken Sniper 'Glue round' has been renamed to 'Tether round'.
  • Broken Sniper 'Shadow Strike' ability has been replaced with a new 'Shadow Stalker' ability.
  • Broken 'Shadow Strike' ability has been updated to remove the wild fire requirement on the turn a unit arrives on the table.
  • Broken Pa'ku Artillery's 'Coordinated Barrage' ability has been updated.
  • Journeyman Bot Handler's 'Push the Machines' ability has been revised to only work on units composed entirely of Bots. The prevents it from being used on Spider Drone units with an Apprentice Handler, but also removes a potential exploit where multiple Journeymen attached to Bot units could endlessly reactivate each other.
  • SecDef Tactical and Annihilator teams have extra weapon options
  • Hakoyu Grand Master and Mature Angel melee weapons corrected from PEN+2 to PEN5.

Try out the revised rules by grabbing the PDFs from the Trial Rules section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here, and grab your models from the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here! Free shipping applies to qualifying orders - check your cart for details.

You can also find a series of articles looking at different aspects of the V2 game here.

If you have any questions on the V2 rules, the model range, or any other aspect of the Maelstrom's Edge game, feel free to pop in to the Comm Guild Facebook group here.

Droning on in support - New Epirian Digital Model!

Posted on Monday Sep 04, 2023 at 08:55pm in Models

This month, a digital version of the Epirian Support Drone marches onto the battlefield, following in the footsteps of last month's heavy weapon Contractor Drone!

A Contractor Engineer unit advances cautiously along a waterline.

This kit is comprised of a Support Drone chassis, and optional parts to equip it to join any of three different Contractor unit types. The Recon Package is the standard gear for support drones utilised by Contractor Scout units. Contractor Engineers make use of tool-equipped drones to effect repairs on other damaged bots, while medical drones in Contractor Medic units patch up the force's less hardy human elements. The digital model pack contains STL files for both supported and unsupported versions of the Support Drone, with multiple equipment options. The model has been slightly updated from the original resin release, featuring taller legs to boost the overall size of the drone.

Support Drone Render

You can find the rules for all of these Epirian unit in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Start building your army of shooty robotic doom by grabbing your Support Drone from the webstore here!

New Epirian STL release - Contractor Drone!

Posted on Monday Aug 07, 2023 at 05:00pm in Models

Continuing the implacable march of digital conversion, the Epirian Contractor Drone marches into the the Maelstrom's Edge webstore in STL form for 3D printing!

A Contractor Defender unit holds the line.

This digital model pack contains STL files for both supported and unsupported versions of the Contractor Drone, with multiple equipment options. The model has been slightly updated from the original resin release, with taller legs and the addition of the linked Strike Missile option. A 3D printed resin version will also be added to the webstore in the near future.

Contractor Drone Render

These drones are added to Contractor Defender or Contractor Scout units. You can find the rules for these units in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Start building your army of shooty robotic doom by grabbing your Contractor Drone from the webstore here!

New STL Release for the Broken - Forsaken Tech Chieftain

Posted on Monday Jul 10, 2023 at 05:00pm in Models

The second of our Broken Chieftain models, the Tech Chieftain, is now available to purchase in STL form for 3D printing, from the Maelstrom's Edge store here!

A Chieftain leading a Rabble unit into battle.

This digital pack includes both supported and unsupported files of a male and female version of the Tech Chieftain, and with options for two different customised weapons: a beam blastgun or a slug rifle.

3D printed examples, printed on an Anycubic Mono 4K using Elegoo ABS-like resin at 35μm using Lychee slicer.

Printing results will vary depending on your printer, resin and settings.

You can find the rules for fielding these models in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Start building your strike force of cybernetic doom by grabbing some Broken models from the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here!

The Ancient Realms Siege Engine Kickstarter is now live!

Posted on Monday Jun 19, 2023 at 04:02pm in Ancient Realms

This campaign will run for two weeks. Get in now and kickstart your collection of besieging doom!

You can find it here!

New Kickstarter Campaign inbound - Siege Engines!

Posted on Friday Jun 16, 2023 at 05:00pm in Ancient Realms

Following on from the successful funding of our StackaRack paint storage system, we're happy to announce the upcoming launch of a new Kickstarter campaign, venturing into some different territory! We're launching a series of injection-moulded plastic siege engines suitable for 28mm (or thereabouts) historical or fantasy gaming.

The campaign is launching with two kits available as rewards - the ballista and mangonel. These are supplied without crew or bases, so you can add your own to fit them into whichever game system you choose. Stretch goals will unlock a covered battering ram and trebuchet as add-ons.

The campaign is due to launch on Monday the 19th of June, and will run for two weeks. Visit the pre-launch page here and click the 'Notify me on launch' button to receive an automatic reminder when the project goes live!

New STL Release - Broken Forsaken Chieftain

Posted on Monday May 29, 2023 at 05:00pm in Models

The Forsaken rarely send out their forces en masse, knowing a single crushing defeat is the end of their existence, preferring to instead strike in small patrols each led by a Chieftain. Equal parts fighter, diplomat and cunning tactician, a Chieftain knows their forces can never win a stand-up fight against a prepared opponent, favouring unseen strikes from the shadows, quickly fading away before the enemy can respond in kind. Many opposing forces have underestimated the ingenuity of a Chieftain, only realizing too late their folly, as improvised booby traps decimate their defensive positions and Broken secretly approach from their rear.

The appearance of a Chieftain varies wildly based upon the culture of their original planet and also the Freeport that they currently call home. They tend to have slightly nicer clothing and equipment than standard rabble, and many Chieftains see it as their duty to show that an individual can still rise up through the ranks of the Broken while carrying themselves with dignity and class. When a powerful enemy combatant is felled in battle, a Chieftain will confiscate something of value from them, whether it be a chunk of armor or an heirloom weapon. These purloined treasures are worn into future battles by the Chieftain, both as a reminder of the victory, and a symbol of their great leadership.

Originally released in resin, the Chieftain now available to purchase in STL form for 3D printing, from the Maelstrom's Edge store here!

The included model variants.

This digital pack includes both supported and unsupported files of a male and female version of the Forsaken Chieftain, and with options for a poisoned blade or trophy melee weapon in the left hand and a slug pistol or xenos spotter for the right hand.

3D printed examples, printed on an Anycubic Mono 4K using Elegoo ABS-like resin at 35μm using Lychee slicer.

Printing results will vary depending on your printer, resin and settings.

You can find the rules for fielding these models in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.

Start building your strike force of sneaky doom by grabbing some Broken models from the Maelstrom's Edge webstore here!