Epirian Warden Conversion Tutorial and Unit Card
Posted on Monday Dec 12, 2016 at 05:00pm in Models
- by Iain Wilson
In amongst my early tinkering with the miniatures released for Maelstrom's Edge, I came up with a concept for an Epirian 'Warden' - a jump-pack-equipped solo character armed with a flame thrower, built rather handily using leftover parts from the Scarecrow and Drone sprues. He proved rather popular, so I've put together a tutorial showing how to build one for yourself.
The original conversion:

Building the Warden
The original version requires a length of guitar string (or similar sized wire) for the flamethrower's fuel line and some pinning to hold the flight rotors in place. In order to keep things easier for beginners, I fine-tuned the design a little, replacing the separate tanks and fuel line with an integrated fuel canister, and slightly changing the way the jump pack goes together.
To build this version yourself, you'll need the following parts:
- A 25mm base
- Contractor or Bot Handler legs
- A Contractor torso and rifle arms (in this tutorial I have used the sleeved arms from the Faction Expansion sprue)
- A Bot Handler helmet
- A Maglock Pistol from the Contractor sprue
- A Clingfire Sprayer from the Scarecrow sprue
- A Choke Grenade (part F) from the Faction Expansion sprue
- Two rotors and the Drone side parts they connect to from the Drone sprue

You can pick up the parts you need to build your own Warden from the Maelstrom's Edge online store (www.maelstromsedge.com - You'll need the Epirian Contractor, Handler, Scarecrow, Drone and Faction Expansion Sprues, although if you already have those units (and went with Spider drones instead of Fireflies) you can probably build the Warden from your leftover parts.
Updated 15th Nov 2022 - If you're interested in using the Warden in your games, you can find a rules page in the Maelstrom's Edge V2 Beta Rules section here, or a custom unit card for V1 in the 'Unofficial Cards - All Factions' document found here. This unit isn't an 'official' release for the game from the design studio, just something fun that I put together myself. So if you're planning on using him in your force, be sure to run it past your opponent first.

Tags: conversion epirian tutorial