Tutorial and Spotlight Article Roundup
Posted on Monday Apr 17, 2017 at 05:00pm in Tutorials

The full list of articles is getting a little unwieldy for a single page, so rather than keep updating an increasingly confusing list here, you can find the full collection of articles broken down by sections in the Hobby area of the Maelstrom's Edge website here!
If you've seen anything here that has lit that modeling flame, you can pick up the various plastic kits currently available in the Maelstrom's Edge range from the webstore here.
Maelstrom's Edge also has a Facebook group, known as 'the Comm Guild', where you can post any questions you have about the rules, the models, or upcoming releases, or share your modeling projects. The group can be found here. We love to see what people are working on, so whether you're a modeling veteran or a complete newcomer to the world of miniature wargaming, feel free to join in.
And in the meantime, stay tuned for the plethora of modeling content that we have still coming down the pipeline!
Tags: buildings conversion models painting terrainsprue tutorial
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