New STL Release for the Broken - Pa'ku Artillery!
Posted on Thursday Sep 05, 2024 at 05:00pm in Models
Pa’ku are extremely rational creatures, almost completely devoid of emotion as humans understand it. If they decide that a certain course of action will cause more good than harm overall, then they have no qualms about extinguishing any number of lives to achieve it. They do not make such decisions lightly nor do they act carelessly, often driving their commander crazy as they sit pondering the pros and cons of all reasonable options in front of them. They sometimes even decide to hold a private war council with only their species present if there is a particularly complex dilemma to consider. A Pa’ku’s deliberations are ultimately guided by their own self-interest, as is the case for all creatures, but they are able to factor that bias in when making their decisions.

Pa'ku provide much needed fire support for Broken forces.
Despite their peculiarities, Pa’ku are especially desirable to the Broken. Their impressive physiques make them suitable for carrying heavy loads, including the biggest artillery the Broken can manage to cobble together. As a bonus, the Pa’ku can extend their very long tongue with enough force to cave in a man’s skull. Pa’ku only speak to other species when necessary, and their language is difficult for most races to translate or speak. Combined with their large size, this results in them being overlooked by evacuation efforts, making the choice to join the Broken the only reasonable one they can make.

The digital file includes supported and unsupported versions of the Pa'ku parts.
You can find the rules for using Pa'ku Artillery in your Broken force in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.
Start building your elite army of bombarding doom by grabbing your Pa'ku Artillery from the webstore here!

Pa'ku provide much needed fire support for Broken forces.
Despite their peculiarities, Pa’ku are especially desirable to the Broken. Their impressive physiques make them suitable for carrying heavy loads, including the biggest artillery the Broken can manage to cobble together. As a bonus, the Pa’ku can extend their very long tongue with enough force to cave in a man’s skull. Pa’ku only speak to other species when necessary, and their language is difficult for most races to translate or speak. Combined with their large size, this results in them being overlooked by evacuation efforts, making the choice to join the Broken the only reasonable one they can make.

The digital file includes supported and unsupported versions of the Pa'ku parts.
You can find the rules for using Pa'ku Artillery in your Broken force in the downloads section of the Maelstrom's Edge website here.
Start building your elite army of bombarding doom by grabbing your Pa'ku Artillery from the webstore here!
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